People are marrying later in life today as they prioritize their careers and wait for the right person. This trend contributes to childbearing after age 35, termed advanced maternal age. While there are potential complications, pregnancy after age 35 doesn't rule out the possibility of having a healthy baby for older mothers.


Get to know the risks


Since you may be labelled as being at an advanced maternal age, it is quite common to experience a geriatric pregnancy nowadays. You are more likely to encounter some pregnancy-related complications and various risks.


  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia
  • High blood pressure
  • Chromosome abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome
  • Premature baby or low birth weight
  • Need for a Cesarean section
  • Expecting twins
  • Miscarriage
  • Increased time to conceive


Studies show that even if you are healthy before getting pregnant, you still have a higher chance of experiencing a complicated pregnancy. Given the increased challenges of pregnancy after age 35, good prenatal care is key to increasing your chances of having a healthy baby.


The best way to take care of your baby


  1. Preconception checkups
    When preparing to have a baby, it's important to visit the doctor for a preconception checkup to discuss how to maximize your chances of conceiving. Emotional preparation for pregnancy is also crucial.
  2. Get early and regular prenatal care
    To ensure a safe pregnancy and monitor your baby’s health, prenatal checkups during the first 8 weeks are crucial. During these appointments, your doctor may test your blood glucose level, check your urine for sugar and protein, and monitor your blood pressure. Early detection of any complications allows for prompt treatment.
  3. Consider other optional tests
    You may be offered special prenatal screenings such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling to detect chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, trisomy 13, and trisomy 18. These tests are particularly recommended for mothers over the age of 35.
  4. Prenatal vitamins are needed
    Make sure to take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day to reduce the risk of defects in the baby’s brain and spinal cord. You may start consuming it a few months before conception.
  5. Control your weight gain
    Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy can ensure your baby’s health. Discuss with your doctor to find the best solution for you.
  6. Regular exercises are encouraged
    Staying active during pregnancy can help build both your stamina and muscles to prepare for labor and relieve stress, preventing pregnancy discomforts. Remember to talk to your doctor before starting your exercise program.


Regardless of age, it's important to gain weight wisely, take folic acid daily, avoid smoking and alcohol, stay up-to-date on vaccinations, and maintain a relaxed mood for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Having a baby at a later age isn't detrimental; in fact, it can bring positivity, and your children can keep you feeling youthful.


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