Discovering you are pregnant again can be very exciting! This time, you may feel like a pregnancy expert to have those normal pregnancy symptoms last time. You may wonder if carrying baby number two can be a unique experience too. Below are some main different symptoms when you’re expecting your second baby:

Feel fetal movement sooner

You tend to feel baby movements earlier during your second pregnancy in comparison with your first.  However, it is not because your baby kicks sooner. Instead, learning from your prior pregnancy experience, you are able to quickly recognize fetal movement. First-time moms sometimes think it is a bit of intestinal gas, instead of baby movement.

Braxton Hicks contraction

As your uterine muscles stretched out already, you may experience more Braxton Hicks contractions leading up to delivery. Compared to the first pregnancy, you can recognize Braxton Hicks also. Take a warm bath and more rest if you experience Braxton Hicks again.

Your baby bump grows faster

According to most moms, your bump grows sooner than you did in your first pregnancy. This may happen because your ligament and rectus abdominal muscles stretched out during your first pregnancy, making your baby bumps appear bigger earlier on during the second pregnancy. It is glad to know that you don’t need to refresh your wardrobe again but breaking out all of your old maternity clothes.

Labour & birth takes less time

Since your body has already been through the delivery process before,  your cervix has lost some of its original rigidity and makes it easier for dilation and effacement to occur. That is why labor is almost easier and quicker in second delivery.

Also, your birth options can change even if you have C-section in your first pregnancy. Most women have a successful vaginal delivery following a C-section. Talk to your doctor before making a decision.

You’re getting more tired

Since you have your first child in the house, you are able to take less rest compared to your first pregnancy. However, try to spend your time on a regular exercise routine, have a balanced diet, and have sufficient sleep before your second baby comes. You are encouraged to take naps when your older child does.

Your back pain is back

As your abdominal muscles stretch before and become weaker, they can't support a baby as well as they did before, so your second baby lies lower in your abdomen. Consequently, you have more back pain, loose hips, and round ligament pain than the first pregnancy. To ease backache, wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support, and sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees for support. Avoid heavy lifting or arching your back.

Some of those normal pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, frequent urination, bloating, constipation, nasal congestion, breast changes you experienced last time may reappear. Moreover, if you experience pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, premature birth before, you are at increased risk to have the same problem in your second and following pregnancy.