Avocados, often referred to as butter fruit, are a superfood for women aiming to conceive. Additionally, it's recommended to incorporate avocado into your pregnancy diet as it provides a wealth of nutrients for both you and your growing baby. Today, we'll explore the benefits of avocado in pregnancy.


Avocados are readily available at beverage shops, often served as a milkshake. They can also be incorporated into your maternal diet. This is because avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, essential for aiding the absorption of nutrients in your body.


Benefits of Avocado in Pregnancy


1. Reducing the Risk of Overweight


Avocados are rich in fibre, which promotes digestion and regular bowel movements. With a minimum daily recommendation of 28 grams, consuming 100 grams of avocado can provide nearly 7 grams of fiber. Including an avocado milkshake in your pregnancy diet can help manage weight gain, but avoid adding sugar to the shake.


2. Helps Nutrition Absorption


Avocados themselves are a source of monounsaturated fats that help your body absorb the nutrients found in other fruits and vegetables.


3. Provides Important Minerals


Calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and a plethora of other vitamins and minerals can be found in avocados. All of these minerals are crucial for providing proper nutrition for pregnant mothers and the growing fetus.


4. A Great Source of Folate


One of the key components in ensuring proper brain development is folate. During fetal growth, the absence of important elements such as folic acid can lead to deformities and abnormalities in the fetus. Folic acid in avocados is crucial to support the growth of healthy baby organs. It is recommended to consume 400 mcg of folic acid daily during pregnancy to safeguard both you and your growing baby. Therefore, we encourage you to include avocado in your daily meals.


5. Reducing Leg Cramps


Most pregnant women suffer from leg cramps. Avocados are a great choice because they contain potassium (even more than bananas) and calcium, which helps to reduce leg cramps.


6. Maintaining Cholesterol and Sugar


A pregnancy diet coupled with cravings can cause your cholesterol and sugar levels to become excessive. However, eating avocados can actively mitigate this issue because they help keep these levels under control.


7. Reducing Nausea


Every pregnant woman hopes to find relief from morning sickness and fatigue, common discomforts in early pregnancy. Avocados, rich in Vitamin C, can help alleviate these symptoms.


8. Reducing Anemia


Pregnant women who are prone to iron deficiency risk harming themselves and their babies. The iron content in avocados can help normalize iron levels in the body, reducing the likelihood of anemia.


9. Reducing Preeclampsia


Preeclampsia can lead to high blood pressure in pregnant women, and in severe cases, it can even be fatal. Avocados are rich in potassium, which can help lower high blood pressure.


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