Taking care of a newborn can be tough, especially when you’re also in the process of recovery. If you’re planning to breastfeed your newborn, read this article ahead to know what to expect for the first few weeks postpartum. 

What are the signs of hunger?

How to know your newborn is hungry besides crying? Crying is considered a “late sign” of hunger, if you can tell your baby is hungry from some early signs then you won’t have to deal with a crying baby so often. Nor is it easy to feed a crying baby nor it is for the baby to perform a good latch on when they are crying. 

Early Signs of Hunger

  • First, They will move their mouth, Head starting to turn, and look for a breast.  
  • Babies eat their hands, putting their hands and fists in their mouths. 
  • Stirring, becoming more active. 
  • Sticking their tongue out. 
  • Opening their mouths constantly. 
  • Turning their heads around looking for breasts. 
  • Moving their lips trying to suck. 

You know your baby is looking for food when you see those signs. 

Noted that if your baby is crying it doesn't necessarily mean she’s hungry. It might be other reasons - feeling too hot or cold, lack of security, needing a nappy change, etc. Many moms think crying is the only sign that their baby is hungry. But, it’s actually a sign of distress. Hungry babies will show signs of hunger before they begin to cry. Watching for and responding early to your baby’s hunger signs may help prevent them from crying. Once a baby is crying, it can be harder to latch.

How do I know my baby is drinking enough milk?

Are you nursing your baby around 10 to 12 times per day? If you are, then you’re probably nursing enough. As stressed by Kelly Bonyata, “you can’t nurse too often, you can nurse too little”. 

Signs that Your Newborn is Drinking Enough Milk

  • Wet diapers > 6 times per day
  • Dirty diapers = 4-5 times per day
  • Soft/ empty breasts after nursing 

Read more about signs that your newborn/ baby is drinking enough milk. 

Can I switch between breasts when I nurse?

Yes, you can and you should. Nurse on each breast equally, so your milk ducts in each breast are equally emptied. That can ensure an equal supply of breast milk from each breast as well. 


Friendly reminder: You might forget which breast your baby just latched on, so it’s definitely a good idea to keep track of your phone or notebook!

Should I purchase a nursing cover?

Even if you’re in a single room ward or confinement center you can still have many visitors coming to see you every day and it’s hard to keep them out of the room. Now, when you need to feed your newborn but the visitors are still in the room what should you do? 


Having nursing pajamas with a nursing cover is a good idea. A nursing PJ will have nursing openings on each side, simply pull and feed without having your entire top being pulled up. Have another nursing cover/ bed sheet placed on your shoulder and let the cloth naturally fall down to cover up your boob.